Kopaonik, March 16 – 20, 2025


Welcome to 18th Photonics Workshop (2025)!



Dear participants,

We welcome you to join the 18th Photonics Workshop, which will be held from March 16-20, 2025, at the Ski Resort Kopaonik, Serbia. The Workshop venue is "Hotel Gorski Kopaonik". 

The Workshop is an annual four-day event that gathers passionate participants, from different fields of photonics, to listen to and discuss their novel results, presented in three different types of oral talks:

  • keynote lectures (30 min),
  • invited talks (20 min), and
  • progress reports (15 min)

The presentations will be held from late afternoon until late evening, allowing plenty of time during daylight hours for scientific discussions and other activities.

Hotel Gorski - Kopaonik